Sunday, 20 April 2014


               " Last week was a tough week for me at , work" I told Rajeev krishna, my husband. I think according to horoscope my time is little bad, i am being blamed at work for things i have not done. I expected a consoling dialogue from my husband. As i  was patiently waiting for a good consoling dialogue from my husband, he shocked me by his answer.
      He replied very softly and firmly  " Priya Sivadas you know Gandhiji was killed and Subash chandra bose was treated very badly, they were great people who did so much of sacrifices for the country, com-on if they can go through bad times, shutting their mouth, why cant you???? In life sometimes when our time is bad  and people treat us badly we might have to just go through it!!!!" NOW THIS MADE ME THINKING.
                     Though  i thought my god what happened to my childhood friend and husband Rajeev Krishna, thought about the words that he said. Very true when life is tough some times when people treat us badly we have to be silent and just pray!!
                                  Then i spoke to my mother my state of mind and also told her that i have enough proof with me to spoil the life of the person who is troubling my life and she replies " Priya, don't treat people badly, because they treat you badly.  Just relax leave it to nature and god. The person who troubles you also has a family, how bad would the family feel if they know the truth?" I asked " Ama so you don't feel bad the person treats your daughter badly? " She replied " Priya , i am 62 years in this world, i trust god to that heights in my life , those who do bad are answerable to god and nature, let us not waist our life correcting and humiliating others, focus on your duty and the moments of life , i am happy the way my daughter is, and i trust completely that she is protected. The tough times you go through in life will teach you to be more humble and closer to god, and also make you realize, how you should handle Power,Position and money , when it comes to you"
                                                       I really felt lucky that i am surrounded by a great husband and a wonderful mother, who is accepting the life as it is. And trust the nature and reality so much. I think these two people ,prevented me from taking revenge on a person who troubled me so much unethically. Some times the love, care and courage we get from home makes a real sense to awaken the wisdom to live in a enlightening manner. Life is more than Position, Power and Money, if you have these and still you have to destroy another human to be happy then who are U?

              So i am learning the grace of the toughness of life and learning to accept it, trusting nature!!

    The tougher the life the stronger we become,  when we react against the wrong things our legs may be washed away for a moment, that is okay. If we don't dare in life , then our identity will be lost for ever, hence dare to react when injustice happens, even if you are alone. Retain your identity and individuality, don't die everyday, live every day and die once bravely!!!

1 comment:

  1. Life is more than Position, Power and Money, if you have these and still you have to destroy another human to be happy then who are U?
