Thursday, 13 February 2014


This valentine day I wanted to share the simple experience that only if we love ourselves best, we can love others. We did not choose our parents and the external environment when we were born, and we cannot choose our natural death also.  Hence we all bow to a greater force of life called nature or god both inside us and outside us.

                        I have really worked hard and struggled a lot in life, to live with integrity, love and happiness.  Today I trust I am successful in life for success for me, is living beautifully the moment of life. Success is different for every individual, never compare yourself with others and feel sad.
                             With life experiences I have learnt that I can change only one individual in this earth and that is ME, not even my husband or son. I am truly an inspiration to my family and many people by the way I live.  BUT I BECAME MUCH HAPPIER WHEN I STOPPED TRYING TO CHANGE ANYBODY AROUND ME. And every time I accepted myself as I am I became happier and calmer in life.
                             “Love is to be given and shared”. This lesson was taught by my grandmother to me, but every time I loved sincerely and honestly I was also cheated and hurt badly, long back.  TODAY people CAN HURT only for the moment NOT LONGER FOR I CHOOSE NOT TO BE HURT-ED. LOVE AND LET GO, AND I DID LEARN A BEAUTIFUL LESSON IN LOVE JUST LOVE ,EVERYTHING IS ALIVE ONLY FOR THE MOMENT OF LIFE!!! . I DO MY KARMA AND LOVE THE MOMENT OF LIFE NOW. It’s so relaxing and enlightening to live like that.

     Life is so unpredictable, anything can happen anytime to us and to people whom we love and to the environment.  This consistent thought helps us to forgive and forget. Train your Body, Mind and Spirit, to live the moment of life doing your duties and living a life of gratitude. What else can we do? This life is too short to be negative. Fill your life with love and care, and I am sorry anywhere if I have knowingly or unknowingly hurt you.

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